玩家评分: 6.7

Snake Oil

桌游极客排名: 1933

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 3 - 10 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 20-30 分钟

难度: 1.14 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.20



出版年份: 2010


| Out of the Box Publishing | Snake Oil, LLC | AMIGO


| Jeff Ochs


| Patricia Hayes Kaufman | John Kovalic


|卡牌游戏 |幽默 |聚会

在老西部,狡猾的蛇油销售员有特殊的才能,让最怀疑客户购买最可疑的产品。现在轮到你了!发明自己的zany双字产品–谣镜!打气球! &ndash的;并将其卖给所有类型的古怪客户。如果一轮的客户购买您的产品,您赢了!

要设置Snake Oil,每个玩家需要六个紫色的单词卡。轮的客户提供客户卡并宣布。发明人迅速将两根紫色字卡组合在一起,形成一种疯狂的新产品,向该客户销售。准备好后,每个发明人都可以将他或她的产品直接送到客户手中。客户可以结束超过三十秒的任何音调。客户决定购买哪个产品,并将该产品的发明人给予该轮的客户卡作为奖品。发明人丢弃所有使用过的单词卡,并分别取两个新单词卡。客户左侧的玩家成为下一轮的客户。玩家重复播放,直到每个玩家一直是客户一次。


In the Old West, the wily snake oil salesman had a special talent, getting the most skeptical customers to buy the most dubious products. Now it's your turn! Invent your own zany two-word products – Rumor Mirror! Burp Balloon! – and sell them to all types of wacky customers. If the round's customer buys your product, you win the round! To set up Snake Oil, each player takes six purple word cards. The customer for the round draws a customer card and announces it. Inventors quickly combine two purple word cards from their hand to form a crazy new product to sell to that customer. When ready, each inventor quickly pitches his or her product directly to the customer. The customer can end any pitch that goes longer than thirty seconds. The customer decides which product to buy and gives the inventor of that product the round's customer card as the prize. Inventors discard all used word cards and take two new word cards each. The player to the left of the customer becomes the next round's customer. Play repeats until each player has been the customer once. Whoever collects the most customer cards wins the game.