玩家评分: 6.7


桌游极客排名: 4884

本月排名变化: 23

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 2.17 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.71



出版年份: 2012


| Heidelberger Spieleverlag | MEBO Games | MESAboardgames


| Nadezhda Penkrat | Yury Yamshchikov


| Filipe Alves | Gil d'Orey






飞行:每艘船在一个特定方向上运动的每个燃料单位飞行一个单元;如果一名选手加油多方向,船只将向各方向前进。每转后,燃油单元不会被清除;太空没有摩擦吧? &ndash的;所以每一轮都允许船长进一步提高速度(通过向已经到位的单位添加燃料)或减慢他的船(通过加速相反的方向)。



In Kosmonauts, players take on the role of space cadets who need to complete one final challenge before they can become officers of the Space Forces. The challenge? A race through space during which they demonstrate their spaceship-controlling skills and problem-solving abilities. This race is not linear, and spaceships can pass checkpoints on the planets and comet in any order. Once a ship lands, the player claims the appropriate planet/comet token; the earlier you arrive, the more victory points (VPs) that token is worth. Each game turn is divided into four phases: Events: The active player chooses one of three available events, which then affects all players. Events won't necessarily affect everyone the same way, though, depending on where they are in space and what they're doing. Orders: All players present their movement orders simultaneously using a direction rose with six possible directions. Each turn, a player can place up to three units of fuel in any of those six directions. Flying: Each ship flies one cell for each unit of fuel spent on movement in a particular direction; if a player fueled multiple directions, the ship moves in all directions fueled. Fuel units are not removed after each turn – there's no friction in space, right? – so each turn allows a captain to further increase speed (by adding fuel to units already in place) or slow down his ship (by accelerating in the opposite direction). Planet Movement: The active player moves all planets, then passes the active player token to the player on his right. The game ends when someone returns to Earth after visiting all but one planet. Players receive VPs for their landing tokens and completed missions, and whoever has the most VPs wins!