玩家评分: 7.1

Carnival Zombie

桌游极客排名: 2734

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 1 - 6 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 3.31 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.97


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2013


| Albe Pavo | Raven Distribution


| Matteo Santus


| Jocularis


|动作 |恐怖 |文艺复兴 |僵尸


在合作游戏嘉年华僵尸中,玩家领导一群逃离威尼斯泻湖的恐怖袭击的人物, 。这组人物必须通过腐烂的“感染”要离开这个城市,玩家需要像威尼斯基地所建立的利维坦人一样醒来。因此,在这个城市沉没在泻湖的黑暗水域之前,这只是一个时间问题。每个游戏分为几个晚上和几天。夜间,玩家们隐藏在路障后面的壕沟中,以抵​​御感染者的攻击。白天,玩家通过震动震动的城市。被感染的人被深深的利维坦的呻吟所吸引,帮助他们的主人从腐烂的高跷上脱身,把它钉在泥沙床上。#10;玩家有几种方式离开城市,但是很少有时间做–他们的道路受到了利维坦最懦弱的老板老板的阻挠。如果玩家做出来,他们可以评估自己的技能,并设定下一次的目标–通过计算游戏中得分的积分。

The ancient manuscripts talk about a Leviathan, a huge creature lying on the silt bed of the lagoon on whose back the city has its foundations. All manuscripts agree on its eternal sleep and they all tell that the beast will wake up one day, shaking the city from its muddy roots, smashing the vitrified stilts on which the city stands, and crashing it into the seething sea where the monster will rise. The ancients say, however, that there will be signs; it is written that the Venetians will feel the tremors, that they would therefore save themselves from the monster, who will recover his freedom by plunging into the waves a deserted city. But there were no signs. What ancients did not know is that the Leviathan is not alive. For centuries, the city lived and prospered on the back of a corpse. That corpse, though, is now awakening – and with it the dead arise from the lagoon... In the cooperative game Carnival Zombie, players lead a group of characters who are fleeing on terra firma from the terror that has emerged from the lagoon of Venice. This group of characters must make its way through hordes of rotting "Infected" to leave the city, and players need to rush as the Leviathan upon which the foundations of Venice were built is awakening. Thus, it's only a matter of time before the city sinks in the dark waters of the lagoon. Each game is divided into several nights and days. During the nights, players hide in trenches behind the barricades to resist the attacks of the Infected. During the day, players move through the city, which is shaken by tremors. The Infected are drawn by the groans of the Leviathan in the abyss to help their master free itself from the rotting stilts that nail it to the silt bed. Players have several ways to get out of town, but little time to do it – and their path is hindered by the bosses, the most implacable servants of the Leviathan. If the players do make it out, they can assess their skills – and set a goal for next time – by counting the points scored during the game.