玩家评分: 7.1



Archaeology: The New Expedition

桌游极客排名: 1032

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1.29 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.57



出版年份: 2016


| Asmodee(中文)


| Phil Walker-Harding


| Atha Kanaani





在考古学:新远征,你想找到珍宝,赚到最多的钱可能通过出售他们到博物馆。玩家从手中拿出四块宝库开始;随机选择一块纪念碑,然后纪念碑的藏书室秘密地装载着宝藏卡。转牌,一名玩家从甲板上抽出宝藏。如果他们找到宝藏,他们不会显示任何人并保留;如果他们找到一个小偷,他们从对手中随机窃取一张卡片;如果他们发现沙尘暴,所有玩家将手中的一半手牌丢失到市场,开始使用五张面朝上的牌。 (每个玩家都有一个帐篷,他们可以丢弃,以避免一场沙尘暴的影响。)挖掘后,玩家可以:





Archaeology: The New Expedition is a reimplementation of the popular Archaeology: The Card Game (with several changes). You are an archaeologist working the dig sites of the Egyptian desert. Search for the right pieces to complete torn parchments, broken pots, and other priceless artifacts. Explore an ancient pyramid in the hope of uncovering a huge stash of treasure! Trade shrewdly at the local marketplace to increase the value of your collection. Sell your treasures to the museum at just the right time for maximum profit. But beware, the desert also has its dangers! A devastating sandstorm can throw your expedition into disarray, and cunning thieves lurk around the dig site ready to steal your prize discovery! In Archaeology: The New Expedition, you want to find treasures and make the most money possible by selling them to the museum. Players start with four treasure cards in hand; one monument tile is chosen at random, then the chambers of the monument are loaded secretly with treasure cards. On a turn, a player digs for treasure by drawing from the deck. If they find treasure, they don't show anyone and keep it; if they find a thief, they steal a card at random from an opponent; and if they find a sandstorm, all players lose half of their cards in hand to the marketplace, which starts the game with five face-up cards. (Each player has a tent that they can discard to avoid the effects of one sandstorm.) After digging, a player can: Discard one or more maps to explore one chamber of the monument, looking at all the cards there and keeping some number of them. Trade at the marketplace by laying down one or more treasure cards and picking up cards with equal or lesser trading value. Sell to the museum by placing sets of treasure cards in front of them; in general, the more cards you have of a type, the more the set is worth. Players can explore only once, but they can do the other actions repeatedly, and they can take these actions in any order. Once the deck is empty, players keep taking actions until they all pass in turn, after which they sell treasures to the museum. Whoever ends up with the most money wins! According to the designer, Archaeology: The New Expedition differs from Archaeology: The Card Game through the inclusion of tent cards, the addition of new treasure types and additional cards to allow for five players, the adjustment of some treasure values, and the inclusion of six monuments instead of one to have more variety when exploring.