玩家评分: 7.5



The Godfather: Corleone's Empire

桌游极客排名: 428

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60-90 分钟

难度: 2.64 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 7.04


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2017


| MYBG(尚未发行)(中文)


| Eric M. Lang


| Nicolas Fructus | Karl Kopinski | Richard Wright


|经济 |黑帮 |电影/电视

设计师Eric Lang,以他的“地图上的雏形”而闻名游戏,描述教父:Corleone的帝国—一个独立的大型棋盘游戏与高品质的缩影—作为“地图上的暴徒”。简而言之,游戏是一个流线型,对抗性的工作者安置游戏,充满谋杀和阴谋。你作为竞争的黑社会家庭,为纽约市有组织犯罪网络的经济控制,部署你的暴徒,你的侄女,你的妻子和你的继承人在板上摇摆企业,进行区域控制草皮战争钱,球拍,合同和特殊优势(如工会老板)由您手中的卡片代表,您的手尺寸有限,您可以选择哪些额外的卡片来表示敬意在五轮中的每一轮结束时都是这样。在比赛结束的时候,现金是重要的,谁赢得了最多的钱。


Designer Eric Lang, known for his "dudes on a map" games, describes The Godfather: Corleone's Empire — a standalone big box board game with high-quality miniatures — as "thugs on a map". In short, the game is a streamlined, confrontational worker placement game filled with murder and intrigue. You play as competing mafia families who are vying for economic control of the organized crime networks of New York City, deploying your thugs, your don, your wife, and your heir on the board to shake down businesses and engage in area-control turf wars. Money, rackets, contracts, and special advantages (such as the union boss) are represented by cards in your hand, and your hand size is limited, with you choosing which extra cards to pay tribute to the don at the end of each of the five rounds. At the end of the game, though, cash is all that matters, and whoever has the most money wins. The game also features drive-by shootings in which enemy tokens are removed from the board and placed face-down in the river.

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