玩家评分: 7.4

Flat Top

桌游极客排名: 2318

本月排名变化: 15

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 4.23 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.06


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1977


| The Avalon Hill Game Co | Battleline


| S. Craig Taylor


| Rodger B. MacGowan


|飞机 |航海 |战争 |二战

Flat Top是一个高度复杂的棋盘游戏,涵盖了1942年美国和日本之间的所罗门海战争。它是非常好的研究,涵盖了1942年存在的海军和空中作战的所有方面。系统描绘了天气航空搜索,空中作战,水面作战,航空母舰,潜艇,空军基地,用品等等。游戏需要强烈的规划和搜索,因为运动是隐蔽的,地图是非常巨大的。这些单位是单个船只和潜艇,每个空中点代表三架飞机。十六进制是二十英里,每一回合代表一小时。这个游戏包括一百三十个计数器,四个地图创建一个44“ x 28“南太平洋地图,四个联合/日本操作卡,三人助理卡和两张日志表。

"Flat Top" is a board wargame of high complexity that covers the battles of the Solomon Seas between the United States and Japan in 1942. It is very well researched and covers all aspects of naval and air combat as it existed in 1942. The system depicts weather, air searches, air combat, surface combat, carrier operations, submarines, air bases, supplies, and much more. The game requires intense planning and searching since movement is covert and the map is pretty huge. The units are individual ships and submarines with each air point representing three aircraft. Hexes are twenty miles, and each turn represents one-hour. The game includes thirteen hundred counters, 4 maps to create a 44" x 28" map of the South Pacific, four Allied/Japanese operations cards, three player aid cards, and two log sheets.