玩家评分: 6.6

Cheeky Monkey

桌游极客排名: 3068

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 15 分钟

难度: 1.15 (毛线)

适合年龄: 7+

专业评分: 5.91



出版年份: 2007


| Arclight | AURUM, Inc. | Eagle-Gryphon Games


| Reiner Knizia


| Bob Haime | Valerie Hochberg | Rob Walker


|动物 |儿童游戏


|赌运气 |元素收集


转弯时,玩家可能会抓住筹码,直到(1)他选择停止,或(2)他画一只动物,他从这个轮到之前的一个平局,他已经躺在他面前。在后一种情况下,他将他面前的所有筹码从当前轮到他的包,然后下一位球员轮到他。在前一种情况下,他以前所未有的任何筹码筹码筹码,按照他想要的顺序进行筹码。 (如果一个玩家只有一种类型的动物,他可以把它们放在堆叠的底部)。当玩家画出筹码时,有两个特殊的规则发挥作用:

如果玩家画出与对手堆叠上的动物相匹配的动物芯片,玩家可以偷走这只动物,将其添加到他前方的筹码中。 (如果他为了画一个重复的动物而摔倒,这个被盗的筹码也被还给了袋子。如果一个玩家画猴子,他可以保持猴子(和任何其他动物一样),或者他可以将猴子交换在对手堆叠顶部的芯片上。


The push-your-luck game Cheeky Monkey includes eight sets of animals – three elephants, four seals, and so on up to ten monkeys – with a plastic chip representing each animal. To start the game, you place all the chips in a bag. On a turn, a player may draw chips until either (1) he chooses to stop or (2) he draws an animal that he has lying in front of him from a previous draw this turn. In this latter case, he returns all chips in front of him from the current turn to the bag, and the next player then takes his turn. In the former case, he stacks the chips in whatever order he wants on top of any chips he's collected in previous turns. (If a player has animals of only a single type, he can tuck them on the bottom of his stack.) Two special rules come into play while the player draws chips: If a player draws an animal chip that matches the animal on top of an opponent's stack, the player can steal this animal, adding it to the chips currently in front of him. (If he busts for drawing a duplicate animal, this stolen chip is also returned to the bag.) If a player draws a monkey, he can either keep the monkey (as with any other animal) or he can swap the monkey for the chip on top of an opponent's stack. When the last chip has been added to a stack, the game ends. Any player who has more chips of an animal type than any other player receives bonus points equal to the total number of that animal in the game. The player with the most points wins.